Cat and Mouse

Enter the belly of the beast as you explore the dark secrets lying underneath Spectrum Mall.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Something has triggered the alarms in the mall and it's attracted the attention of every zombie in the area! You'll need to get moving to stay ahead of them. You head into the hallway but the zombies are everywhere. Sam directs you to a door that didn't seem to be there before. It's painted to make it look like a normal section of wall. You head through it and down the stairs.
The staircase isn't on any maps that Sam can find, but it goes down a long way. You reach the bottom and lock the door to keep the zombies out. You find yourself climbing out of a wardrobe and into a bedroom. You hear a tape click and hear a recording of Artemus Thurman explaining the 'modern' conveniences of the home you've ended up in. There are zombies behind you so you need to kick in the front door to escape. Stand with one foot in front of the other, shoulder width apart. Lift your back leg and bend it keeping your knee as high as you can then kick your heel out in front of you, making sure not to lock your knee. Go for it! You get through the door and into the hall of what seems to be an apartment block. Better not look too closely though. You can hear flies buzzing behind the doors of the other flats.
You are in what looks like a suburb from an American movie, but all of the trees are plastic. Sam tells you that someone has used lipstick to write 'Help Us' on one of the windows of the apartment building. Sam spots Thurman and you hide behind a bush. You need to Commando Crawl to keep yourself out of sight. Thurman looks the same as he did on the video from the 80s. You get behind a wall and keep moving.
Sam tells you there were rumours that Thurman had built an entire underground town for him and the people he thought were worthy. There has to be another way back up to the surface. You enter the convenience store which is still stocked with food. You need to close the shutters so that Thurman doesn't spot you. Use Bicep Curls to lower them. Thurman hears the shutters and starts to attack them. There's a fire escape on the first floor. While running, you knock over a display of fruit, and realise that it is plastic - all of the food is fake. As you head upstairs, you find a body. It's dried out but hasn't decomposed properly, and it looks like they were trying to eat the fake fruit. You're nearly at the fire escape, so crank the ladder down and get moving!
Sam thinks he's found a route back to ground level. You head into the school building that looks like the high school from every American TV show, and find the lift shaft. The lift doesn't seem to be working but maybe you can get to a higher level and free it. Thurman has found you, and he looks angry. Quick, up the stairs! You spot a body on the stairs and Sam recognises them as a New Canton runner who went missing six months ago. You reach the lift but there's no up button. It must be the wrong lift. There's a corridor that leads into the neighbouring building. Quickly head over to escape Thurman.
There's a mob of zoms after you. Thurman is herding you where he wants you to go. Duck into the lab and brace yourself against the door to keep the zombies out by doing a Wall Sit. Sam has set off an alarm to try to lure the zombies away. They finally leave but Thurman is approaching and there's no handle on the door so you can't get out! Sam spots a dumbwaiter though, and that seems to lead to the surface! Sam can reroute the power to it for long enough to get you out. You manage to wedge yourself in and escape just as Thurman breaks down the door.
You're nearly back at ground level, but Sam is worried by how obsessed Thurman seems to be with you. You reach the top of the shaft, but somehow Thurman is waiting for you!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Thurman Interface
Jon Chew
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman