Do The Work

A delivery of medication to the people of Paloma exposes some strange behaviour. Could there be more going on than you realise?


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You're with Betty and Dr Fisher delivering medicine to the people of Paloma to help combat the sickness which is spreading. Hopefully a real cure will be found, but for now, people need this.
The data you got at the base seems really promising which is why you're wearing sensors now. Better keep moving. Your vitals spike suddenly, and you head for the nearby water fountain in the hope it will calm you.
The water seems to have helped, and you go to deliver medicine to Mr. Abramowicz. He complains about hearing a noise and slams the door on you, then you hear him screaming.
Dr. Fisher has called a friend to check on Abramowicz, and she's interested in the readings from you. There's a noise that sounds a little like Hulk nearby, and while Dr. Fisher begs you to leave it to her, you head over to help.
The creature you encounter is not Hulk, and it seems to be angry at you! As it chases you it begins to change back briefly, but then runs away. You're affecting the change. Get after him!
At this pace, sentries at the base will spot him. Dr. Fisher says to head onto a dirt path where you might be able to head him off.
You find him, and he begins to turn back into Emil. But your troubles aren't over – there's a military helicopter overhead. You need get to Emil to safety and Bruce will have to run interference. General Ross is coming.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Rosalyn Mitchell
Dr. Fisher
Candace Marie
Joey Sourlis
Philip Nightingale
Ella Watts
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam