Out of Time Part 2

With Hulk on the loose, and Betty in danger, your work isn't over yet! Can you head off the coming storm, or will you be swept away?


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
The protest has escalated and Dr. Fisher is preparing for casualties. The military is making mass arrests. You should follow the helicopter overhead to try to get General Ross on the radio and let him know that Betty is out there.
You find General Ross and Dr. Fisher speaks to him and lets him hear what is happening in town where Betty is. She tells him that you have a cure, but he says he's already sent in a monster of his own to combat the Hulk. It's Emil, and you need to stop him.
Dr. Fisher warns you that Emil will not be himself, and your ability is the only thing that might work. Hulk will protect you, but Betty says that you need to warn people. Get to the high school and set off the tornado sirens so people will seek shelter. Go!
You head into the school and head towards the Principal's office. You turn on the sirens, but your power is still needed. Time to finish this!
Abomination and Hulk are fighting and causing a lot of damage. Don't stop!
Get close enough and Betty will give Hulk the signal to hold Emil in place. You'll only have a few seconds but it should be enough. Hulk holds Emil in place, and you manage to calm him enough for him to turn back. You reassure Bruce that the cure works and Bruce promises to keep working. You can fix it!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Dr. Fisher
Candace Marie
Torian Brackett
Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross
K Beau Foster
Rosalyn Mitchell
Matt Wieteska
Ella Watts
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam