The Dame

With your mutant abilities throwing your life into turmoil, a meeting with the X-Men seems like it could be the start of something better. But when has a mutant's life ever gone smoothly?


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You arrive at the Country Rose Cafe and overhear the waitress and another customer discussing an event in a nearby town. It isn't long before the more customers arrive – and they're the people you're there to meet.
You're introduced to Ororo, Remy, and Kurt, who christens you Jaseur. They promise to help you hone your mutant ability to amplify sound waves. You're threatened by a cafe patron and amplify the sounds in the cafe which begins to destroy the building. Kurt teleports you away.
Kurt helps you get your ability back under control, and you eavesdrop on the cafe to hear Ororo and Remy being harassed. You should get back!
Kurt teleports Gambit away before anyone can get hurt, and the waitress tells the man – Landon – to leave. He storms off, talking on his phone to an accomplice. The waitress tells you to get out of town before he shoots you.
Gambit and Storm argue about their course of action and if they can afford to get involved. Mid-conversation, everything around you begins to transform as though you're caught in a time rip.
The whole town has changed to something out of a noir detective film – only you seem to have remained untouched. You contact Gambit who says he's in the Crossroads cabaret. Your powers allow you to verhear Landon from the cafe approaching, and now he and his friends have machine guns!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Regina Renée Russell
Travis Clark
Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Cody Savoie
Steffanie Freedoff
Rex Anderson