Exit, Pursued By a Bear

Crash through Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and more as you run from theatre's most famous stage direction!


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
We find Antigonus on the rain-lashed shore of Bohemia with a baby. He had thought to abandon it there, but is wondering if it's the right decision. Just when he decides it is and sets it down, a bear appears and gives chase. Antigonus begs it to take the abandoned baby instead and flees.
Antigonus has run onto a blasted heath where three witches chant to a man that he is Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor. Much to Macbeth's irritation, Antigonus blunders into their midst and pleads for help over the witches' premonitions. The bear appears, sending the witches into the sky and the contents of their cauldron over Antigonus. He runs on, leaving a pleased Macbeth in his wake.
It is night, and Antigonus takes shelter in a mausoleum. His entry sends a poison vial smashing to the ground. Its owner, Romeo, is furious. He insults Antigonus, who finds the witches' potion froggified his face. Romeo draws his sword, but is stopped by Juliet who has awoken! As Romeo and Juliet happily reunite, Antigonus runs on.
Antigonus finds himself on another rain-soaked shore with a fortress in the distance. He can hear merriment and lets himself in, but sends a person stood behind the door down a horrible flight of stone steps. Iago is dead! Othello and Desdemona mourn his passing – honest, loyal Iago! Othello orders the crowd to seize Antigonus who runs for his life.
Antigonus takes shelter in a forest, hoping the crowd and bear will pass on. He stumbles over Titania, who is angry to be woken at first, but when the moon reveals Antigonus's froggy face is overcome with love. Her voice summons Othello's mob and Antigonus runs from them, Titania now also in pursuit.
"To be or not to be"... Antigonus, Othello, Titania, and the crowd burst on stage at the Globe. King James IV and I is not pleased. Antigonus tries to warn everyone of the bear, but Titania isn't concerned, aiming some magic at it. King James IV and I panicks at finding a witch in their midst. In the ensuing hubbub, Antigonus slips out into Jacobean London.
Just when Antigonus thinks he's safe among the strange streets, he is cornered by the bear. Antigonus faces the beast, brave at last. To his surprise, the bear transforms into Puck, who tells Antigonus that if he'd only done that to begin with he would have been spared the run! Puck hands over the happy baby, unfroggifies Antigonus's face, and spirits him home where he will be welcomed.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Six to Start Ensemble
Hannah Raymond-Cox
Actor Playing Hamlet
Mark Oosterveen
Six to Start Ensemble
Six to Start Ensemble
King James I
Six to Start Ensemble
Six to Start Ensemble
Joshua Riley
Robyn Holdaway
Chris Lateano
The Three Witches
Six to Start Ensemble
Six to Start Ensemble
Damon L. Wakes
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam