Collectible summaries may contain spoilers
Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Peter Simons is unhappy with the situation: he suspects they may have shot down the ship, and they seem to have tampered with airlocks. But Captain Myers doesn't want to make any assumptions, especially since there doesn't seem to be a sign of anyone yet and if there was, someone would have plugged up the massive air leak. The best bet is to head to the Command Hub to use their computer.
In the welcome lobby on the way to the Hub, you discover a distrubing scene. Furniture overturned, scorch marks on the walls... and piles of dead bodies, bleeding in torn jumpsuits. The bodies look old, and look like they've been murdered. Prof Maxted notices red coral growing, but Captain Myers advises you all steer clear.
In the Command Hub, VR1-ICA informs you that her functionality is at less than 6% so she cannot tell you what happened, or pinpoint the air leak. However, she tells you that you can manually activate the maintence drones in a nearby sector. Captain Myers tells everyone else to remain in the Hub, and takes you with her to the nearby sector.
Commander Sissay, over comms, tells you that the transmitter tower is damaged, but there is a received signal. None of you understand the strange sound, or the symbols that the video displays, when the signal is played. Captain Myers and you activate the drones, and head to the transmitter tower to try and fix it.
Commander Sissay manages to get VR1-ICA back online, and she finds the hull breaches. But she can't fix the structural damage, only keep it together while you wait for a rescue ship. That means you must get a distress call out quickly. In the main garden, as you run towards the tower, you find more violently murdered bodies, and graffiti that reads "Be Reborn".
You get the tower back online, but VR1-ICA discovers the dishes are damaged. Luckily, there are spares, so now you'll need to replace them.
You fix the tower with Captain Myers, and VR1-ICA realises that the orbital satellite is rigged to send a malware virus to approaching ships: the same one that made your ship crash! While up on the tower, Captain Myers spots someone moving through the colony, but loses them under cover. They aren't just a survivor, but a witness to whatever madness happened here.
Cast listings may contain spoilers
Captain Myers
Sally Orrock
Adam Lannon
Aislynn De'Ath
Ellie Maxted
Rosalyn Mitchell
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam