Baby One More Time

On a rainy night, you and Paula head out to intercept a woman who's escaped from the baby factory


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
As you and Paula prepare to go on a rain-soaked mission, Sam briefs you from his nice, warm comms booth: you're intercepting a woman who's escaped the baby factory, but you'll have to hurry to beat the soldiers also after her.
You approach the woman, and discover it's Maria, the friend of Selma's who was captured by Sigrid. She requests help getting Radoflu, a Junin-2 vaccine, for her son, so you head to the nearest meds-dump.
Veronica arrives in the comms shack and asks Maria about the baby factory. Sigrid lured immune women in with the promise of better care for their friends if they helped.
During a discussion about zombie-immunity Veronica learns Radoflu doesn't work for immune people. You'll need a different vaccine, Flurosept, for Maria's son that's only available in a place called Arfield, so you'll have to change course.
As you approach Arfield Veronica hears they no-longer have Flurosept - the Minister has been deliberately buying up stocks to prevent people escaping. Maria's determined to save her son.
Veronica hops back on comms with a location that still has one vial of Flurosept. They're sending a runner to meet you, so you run ahead to intercept.
You collect the vaccine, and give it to Maria's son. Veronica, Paula and Sam realise none of the babies in the factory are vaccinated, so you need a new plan to rescue them. Suddenly Janine's on comms - you need to come back urgently: Sigrid is planning to invade Abel!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Six to Start Ensemble
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Naomi Alderman
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman