Time Bomb Ticking Away

The secret weapon inside Selma might be triggered at any moment, so you need to find a treatment, and fast!


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You and Amelia escort Selma to one of Sigrid's genetic research facilities. Veronica assures you all, the bio-bomb will remain asymptomatic until triggered, but you should still hurry.
As you run through Battenbury, and away from zoms, Sam and Veronica have some good news; after Janine broadcast instructions to make the cure, Sigrid's allies are turning on her.
The facility is inside a self-sustaining eco-tower block. Suddenly a beeping emanates from Selma; Sigrid's been rescued and has armed the device. You need to make it to the 10th floor, and quick!
Zombies slow your progress, and 3 floors from your target the weapon triggers. After destroying a nearby zombie in a mushroomy explosion, Selma locks herself in a lab, to protect the rest of you. Veronica tells you and Amelia to flee.
Even Amelia feels bad leaving Selma to her fate. Veronica notices that V-Type zoms are unaffected by the bio-weapon - if you can 'collect' a V-Type there may be a way to save Selma after all!
You and Amelia draw a small fungussy horde, complete with one V-Type, towards Selma. Veronica comes up with a plan to use vials of the cure in an industrial vapouriser, to slow the zoms.
On the floor below Selma you find the vapouriser. The plan works, so you and Amelia collect the required sample, in the form of the V-Type zombie's hand.
Selma's fading fast, so you follow Veronica's instructions to synthesise a cure, then inject Selma, yourself and Amelia. There's no time to recover, as Sam tells you the babies are being moved, and if you don't rescue them in a few hours, they'll be lost forever.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Samara MacLaren
Sigrid Hakkinen (The Minister)
Sarah Ratherham
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Rebecca Levene
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman