Disco Inferno

You return to Sigrid's 'utopian' island, in search of the only weapon you know that can destroy V-Types


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
While the tide is low, you, along with Peter and Jody, return to Sigrid's 'wakened land' island, to collect some Burn Cubes. Of course the Minister would stockpile a weapon banned by the Geneva Convention!
The island's tunnels are filled with iron rich, cooled magma, which blocks Sam's signal. Jody reminds Peter the Burn Cubes are an interim solution. As you reach the end of the tunnel you hear Last Riders behind you.
Hopefully the Last Riders will find the tunnels as difficult to navigate as you did. You run into the remains of two of Sigrid's chosen people. Unfortunately one is a V-Type, and blocks your fastest route, so Janine tells you to change course.
You manage to lose the V-Type by jumping over a gap in some stairs. Now you can circle back around to your target, at least until a rider throws a Burn Cube at you!
The Last Riders have got ahold of some Burn Cubes, and are throwing them into the sea, reducing the size of the island, and pushing the already unstable landmass further towards collapse.
You run for cover inside the pavillion, where you can grab some Burn Cubes. One Last Rider reaches you, followed by a V-Type. The rider is dispatched by one of Sigrid's booby traps. Peter distracts the V-Type while Jody loads up Burn Cube holders, and you get a boat ready.
Jody and Peter are on their way to you, when another booby trap is triggered. They're stuck in a room filling with gas, and Peter was bitten by that V-Type. It sounds like this might really be the end of the road...


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Rider 1
Six to Start Ensemble
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Sigrid Hakkinen (The Minister)
Sarah Ratherham
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team