Fort Knox

What secrets hide in Red Scorpion Base?


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You are with Janine and Sam in a holding room after having a medical exam and being implanted with a subcutaneous tracking device. Peter and Maryam still haven't returned. You are finally met by General Bakari, who explains that the trackers take 40 minutes to stabilise and begin tracking. He's brought maintenance uniforms for you to disguise yourselves with. Get moving.
Bakari leads you through the base. The uniforms provide protection at a distance but the guards know the faces of people who should be there. Bakari says that soldiers serve their country and that's why he served Sigrid. He asks about Tom and Janine has to explain that he was killed in action. Bakari isn't authorised for this part of the base. He's stolen some passes but if you're caught you'll be shot. He tells you that the base was started by American military 20 years before Z-Day for black-ops research and they're still very much running it. There are lots of patrols so you'll have to move quickly.
The US military heard rumours of the red fungus years before Z-Day and set up the base to dig for it, finding caves of the stuff. You pass a control room cycling current images of various global landmarks. Bakari hears surveillance drones coming so you'll need to keep moving to evade them.
You reach the main research annex and the archive room. If you want to know about the red fungus, this is the place. The military wanted to use the red fungus to make humans faster and stronger, but their experiements went poorly. But the fungus is not why Bakari summoned you. Incidentally, there's a photo of an old version of Red Scorpion Base's emergency response team. If you get caught, their exoskeletons with integrated flamethrowers await you.
Bakari tells you that your team were contracted on Bakari's recommendation to hunt down a "deserter". The base commander will send you out to find the deserter and you'll be able to make your escape then. Bakari will remain on base. He doesn't fancy standing trial in the UK. Bakari gives you a thumb drive of encrypted data that could be vital. Bakari has received word that the Head of Security wants to brief you. You need to hurry back!
Bakari takes you into an emergency care area and wants to administer an injection to you. He says it contains biodata which could eventually cure every disease affecting humanity. It might take generations to create a usable vaccine, but this is the germ of it. He injects you with the contents of the syringe. Sam calls you over to a side room where you see Van Ark hooked up to a dialysis machine. Bakari explains that Van Ark is not running the base. Van Ark is one of the experiments!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
General Bakari
Six to Start Ensemble
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman