Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You've been trekking for days and who knows how much longer your mission will take. Isabel is scouting ahead to see if she can find signs of the thief. You radio her, and she says she is close to El Refugio. Get to the end of the road then radio her for instructions. A monkey has come to investigate your camp, but while Sam is trying to get a picture, it steals your radio!
While you search, Ernie admits he's relieved to be away from Isabel who keeps asking him questions about himself. You spot movement above and head in that direction.
You may have found the monkey... or you may just have found a parrot mimicking it. And worse, you seem to be near a nest of bullet ants. Sam rushes towards what looks like water to wash them off.
Well, the ants are gone, but now you stink of jungle water. And stagnant pools of water are often home to mosquitos. On the upside, these mosquitos don't transmit Malaria! Unfortunately they do transmit Dengue fever so you probably want to get away.
You're heading North and hopefully you can find El Refugio from there. Something rustles in the grass ahead – piglets! Or baby peccaries at least. Adorable as they are the adults are large and don't like people. Run!
Jody is annoyed at the situations and feels like she's failing. You spot the monkey along with its troop who throw seed pods at you. The one with the camera looks like it wants you to follow it and what do you really have to lose by this point?
The monkey still has your radio and Sam remembers a documentary he saw about monkeys learning to barter. Maybe if you offer it some snacks... They take what you offer, and leave you with the radio and a whole lot of other electronics they seem to have acquired. You get in touch with Isabel who says the thief left, but you might have a lead... if you can do someone a favour first.
Cast listings may contain spoilers
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Ernie Van Ark
Philip Jennings
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Nia Roe
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Ian Farrell
Eleanor Rushton
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Sound Designer
Matt Part