Dare you enter the Runaway Fairground, a carnival that’s mysteriously survived the zombie apocalypse? Step very carefully in our first-ever “choose your own adventure” Halloween virtual race – because it’s not just your life at stake, but your soul!
Tarot Card minigame 

Briefing Card (Front)

Briefing Card (Back)

Tarot Card: The Fool (Sam Yao)

Tarot Card: Justice (Janine De Luca)

Tarot Card: The Empress (Dr Maxine Myers)

Tarot Card: The Hanged Man (Chris McShell)

Tarot Card: The Hierophant (Nadia Al Hanaki)

Tarot Card: The Lovers (Jack Holden and Eugene Woods)

Tarot Card: The Magician (Professor Van Ark)

Tarot Card: Death (Zombies)

On your way to the Runaway Fairground, Jody recounts a troubling memory...
Ancient stone circles and strange sights are not what they seem
You bought the ticket, now take the ride… At this fairground, the devil’s by your side.
You bought the ticket, now take the ride… At this fairground, the devil’s by your side.