Sorry For Party Rocking

A peace conference between major UK factions is threatened by an anarchist biker gang - it's up to you and Jody to save the day!


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
After the fall of the last government, you're attending a joint state opening of Parliament and peace conference. Not everyone is happy about this however, so you and Jody leave to prevent the Last Riders motorcycle gang from disrupting proceedings.
You and Jody easily catch the riders' attention, and run east - away from Parliament - laying caltrops behind you for the bikers to run over.
Four Last Riders run over your caltrops in explosive fashion, but that doesn't stop their friends continuing the chase. Sam directs you to a foot tunnel under the river when you can ambush them, and keep them away from the peace conference.
Using wire spanning the width of the tunnel, you and Jody set a trap which separates the riders from their bikes. Just when you think you're safe you notice one of the riders has a bomb!
You and Jody escape the bomb blast, and Jody works out what that rider meant by "2845" - there may be a bigger bomb underneath the House of Commons. You have to warn them!
As you close in on the tunnel leading to the House of Commons, Jody suggests getting the conference to evacuate. Unfortunately it's not so simple; the Last Riders are blocking their route out with a big rig, so you have to disarm that bomb.
Inside the tunnels, you follow the Last Riders' graffiti, in the direction of some blinking lights. You've found the bomb and need to call Steve, but Sam is distracted by something else - one of the headless V-Type zombies has escaped, and is heading straight for you...


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Loud-Voiced Person
Six to Start Ensemble
Rider 1
Six to Start Ensemble
Rider 2
Six to Start Ensemble
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team