A Castle Full of Rascals

You, Janine and Maxine head to Fort Blackmoore for a simple trading mission, which turns out to be anything but simple...


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
With Janine and Maxine, you head to Fort Blackmoore, a settlement of mostly young people. The lie of the land makes outside communication impossible, so you're without Sam. It does mean you can find a 'clean' version of ANNIE for Veronica, however.
Mayor Fallow's relieved to see you. There's a huge horde of zombies, some without heads, massing at the north of the valley. You only came prepared to trade, but Janine slips straight into command mode; ordering anyone not willing to fight be evacuated, while you find the AI.
Mayor Fallow shows you to his office, where you can access the AI, and fills you in on the history of the settlement: the Ministry tried to win them over with guns, which they've somehow lost. They do have petrol fueled generators though, which gives Janine an idea to hold off the horde.
You and Maxine deal with the generators, siphoning off petrol from them into cans. Halfway through filling the second can you get a message that Janine needs you up top, so that will have to do.
The zombies are forming a pile of bodies, to try to scale the fort's walls, and the settlers only have farm tools to push them back. Janine directs you and Maxine to split up and pour petrol over the horde.
With the zombies well doused in petrol, Janine lights a flare, and they go up in a rush of flames. The fire won't stop the V-Types, but it will at least slow them down enough for you to grab that ANNIE copy.
Inside the Mayor's office the ANNIE download is at 97%. Unfortunately the zoms breach Janine's perimeter, and one breaks into the office. Maxine kills it with a poker through the eye, so it's not a V-Type, but it's definitely not a normal zombie either...


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Dr. Maxine Myers
Sally Orrock
Mayor Fallow
Ralph Stickley
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman