Caravan of Love

Colonel Sage requests your help in defending a civilian convoy


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You're on patrol with Peter when Janine interrupts with an urgent message: Colonel Sage, leader of Banktown, requires assistance. A convoy headed to his settlement is under attack from the Last Riders.
Sage informs you the convoy is a mobile resettlement colony. Unfortunately the riders have reinforced their tyres, so caltrops no-longer work and they kill the driver of a lorry full of children. You must intercept it before it falls into a ravine.
You and Peter jump onto the lorry as it passes beneath you. With no time to hit the brakes, you turn the wheel, leaving the lorry half dangling off a cliff. When the engine catches fire you scoop up the children before the lorry explodes.
When a big rig appears, Sage guesses the Last Riders are here to steal weapons from the rear of the convoy. The riders plan to board the convoy, and Janine wants to use the moment against them.
You and Peter intercept the convoy as it enters the ravine, and plant a device on the front vehicle, cutting the riders' zip lines at the same time. The big rig closes in on the final vehicle, so you and Peter will have to dash down to the other end.
More riders turn up, blocking your way, and it looks like all hope is lost, until Peter cleverly uses a zip line gun to speed you past them. You plant another device on the rear lorry, and then jump from it.
Now the riders have what they want they leave the caravan alone. Sage is confused when Janine doesn't blow up the weapons lorry, until she explains that the planted device was a tracker. The Colonel is so impressed he requests your aid again in stopping the Last Riders.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Colonel Sage
Matt Ian Kelly
Six to Start Ensemble
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Last Rider
Six to Start Ensemble
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team