I'm The Shark In The Water

While bringing Veronica a computer core, you learn more about the experiments she's conducting


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Veronica's requested Nadia, Amelia and you to bring her the core from Fort Blackmoore. You just about make it past the gates before zombies catch up to you.
You're inside an aquarium. Veronica informs you that the plastic covered V-Type you delivered is now loose, and coming after you. She asks you to proceed to the lab quickly.
It seems like you've lost that V-Type, but Veronica's directions aren't much help, as she leads you right back towards it again. Sam gets you out of there, into the deep-sea section.
Somehow the V-Type has found you again. Veronica seems to be glitching, but you need her to escape. Nadia manages to get useful directions out of her.
Inside the room up ahead you find rows and rows of fans. Veronica is sure that if you turn them all on it will help. To everyone's surprise the fans actually work, but to keep them running Veronica needs that core.
Nadia's hurt that Veronica didn't say she was struggling. Amelia and Maxine aren't so sure Veronica can still be trusted, but she does warn you the fans have stopped, so the V-Type is headed straight for you.
Finally you find a place to plug in this core, and Veronica seems back to normal, helping to contain the loose V-Type. She explains the V-Types seem to detect people through skin receptors, which can be fooled using the fans. Now that Veronica's better, you head home.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
EM Williams
Dr. Maxine Myers
Sally Orrock
Nadia al Hannaki
Jennifer Tan
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team