Inside Out

Using Nadia's insider information, Steve, Lobatse and you sabotage the Last Riders' zombie-pill factory


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Nadia makes contact to pass on intelligence - the Last Riders have a new factory for making their zombie blood ecstasy pills, and currently the Flaming Hogs faction is on guard duty rotation. Steve has a spigot which you'll use to drain the zombie blood before it gets to the pills.
You, Steve and Lobatse approach the factory wearing your disguise. Nadia's helped you out a bit by providing nitrous oxide for the Hogs, so they let you in without much trouble.
Nadia tells you she thinks Janine was right - the riders do have some sort of leadership, called "The Method". Steve and Lobatse create a musical distraction, allowing you to slip past more guards unseen.
As usual Steve has an explosion-based plan. Setting fire to the riders' microwave draws them away from the pill production line, and gives you enough time to insert the spigot.
Your mission is accomplished, but suddenly Steve spots a woman he recognises leaving the warehouse. She's from the Welwyn mob, where a Peace UK party is being held this evening. She could be carrying some of those pills, so you've got to stop her!
The mud makes it hard to catch up to this woman, so you make a dive for her. Steve tries to explain the situation, but the woman already knows the pills are deadly. She takes one and turns almost immediately.
You shoot the new zombie, and Lobatse laments the waste of life. Steve finds a note in her backpack, instructing her to take a pill in the most crowded part of her settlement, hastening humanity's destruction. You have to tell Janine what the Last Riders are planning.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Hog 1
Six to Start Ensemble
Hog 2
Six to Start Ensemble
Dr. Kefilwe Lobatse
Madeleine Brolly
Nadia al Hannaki
Jennifer Tan
Steve "The Builder" Sissay
Adam Lannon
Welwyn Woman
Six to Start Ensemble
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team