Free Falling

A distress call from Nadia sparks a rescue mission, but nothing can prepare you for what you find


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Nadia wanted to remain with the Last Riders long enough to discover who or what "The Method" was, but you've received a distress signal. You and Paula hurry to Nadia's designated extraction point.
You and Paula reach the Last Riders' hideaway, but strangely there's no-one on guard duty. The automatic gun turrets are still there though and Janine guides you through them.
Paula's impressed with how quickly you made it through. Inside you think you can hear revelry, but then a zombified rider falls from the roof. You try shooting the zom with your silenced gun, but it's still standing after a headshot...
The V-Type follows you, but with half its bones shattered, it's slow. A whispered message from Nadia comes through; she's trapped on the 12th floor, in a building full of V-Types. If you don't hurry, she won't make it.
Nadia's location on the 12th floor is blocked by V-Types. Luckily, a Rider bursts into the hallway, drawing the V-Types into a conference room where you can shut them in. She introduces herself as Brenda, and directs you all to a safe location.
Brenda does the secret knock to get into her safehouse, but there's no-one inside except another V-Type. You have to get out of this hotel, and fast!
Sam directs you out through the kitchens, which are still your safest route even though they're on fire. Brenda tells you someone brought a ghoul into the hideout to play with, which seems to be the source of all these V-Types.
Brenda admits she brought in the ghoul, and now you know eventually ghouls will become V-Types. It's unlikely any other Last Riders' survived, and the fire can only deal with some of the V-Types. Sam suggests covering the site in concrete, but you need a more long-term solution than that.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Jess Nesling
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Nadia al Hannaki
Jennifer Tan
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team