Down on the Farm

An old "friend" offers assistance with a seemingly-overwhelming threat.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
With the V-Type threat growing, and the stock of Burn Cubes dwindling, you and Nadia seek help from Brent Valmont, who claims to have a new weapon capable of killing V-Types.
Valmont introduces you to his weapon against the V-Types: pigs! Specially bred to feast on necrotic tissue, these animals are a holdover from a Xia-Hifa pilot project, which Valmont is keen to trial for you with an approaching horde of Ghouls
As Nadia and Brent use grenades on the horde of Ghouls, you lead the pigs in for clean-up duty. You're interrupted, though, by a new threat: a horde of zombified Last Riders that swine won't shift. Nadia recalls a past solution that might be repurposed here and directs you to the water tower.
Nadia explains her plan: use grenades to knock out the water tower's supports and send a tidal wave of water to wash away the horde.
Nadia's plan works, and the horde is swept away... or so it seems. Moments after your victory, more zombified Last Riders emerge from a nearby field. Nadia wonders if they might be planning their attacks, but there's no time for speculation. You need to run!
Nadia convinces Valmont to let her use the pigs in an escape plan, promising they won't be harmed.
As the pigs approach, the V-Type horde parts, before closing on the now-trapped pigs and tearing them to shreds. The co-ordinated action unnerves Nadia, and the implication that the zombies are capable of working together is troubling. Nadia heads off to warn nearby colonies about the horde, before a message from Colonel Sage of Banktown offers assistance.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Colonel Sage
Matt Ian Kelly
Nadia al Hannaki
Jennifer Tan
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Andrew Futaishi
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman