Follow Me Down

Mysterious signals lead you, Phil and Zoe to investigate their source.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You join Phil and Zoe on a mission to investigate the source of some mysterious signals that have been interrupting their broadcasts. The voice in the signal gives you challenges to complete. The first: run to the banks of the river west of Abel.
The challenges continue - you must swim across the river, leaving all your possessions behind. Other people are attempting to complete the challenges at the same time as you. Two of them with headphones in approach a cave from which you can hear zombie growls emanating - catch them before they're killed!
On entering the cave, it becomes apparent that the zombie growls you heard were merely a repeating recording. You meet Lizzy - a young woman also running the competition who has twisted her ankle running from the recorded zombies. Ghouls, sensing Lizzy's injury, begin to persue you.
On the other side of the tunnel, you discover a fire escape, from the top of which other contestant are attempting the next challenge - jumping off the roof.
As you reach the top of the fire escape, you realise there are mattresses laid to break the fall of those people jumping from the roof. Lizzy admits to being a Last Rider. You realise the mysterious voice is Kytan, and he's beckoning people to a house on top of the hill before you. Lizzy reveals she has a Last Rider zombie pill and runs toward the house, indicating she intends to take it.
When you reach the house, Kytan reveals his motivations - rehabilitation. His challenges appear part of a therapy process for ex-Last Riders. Lizzy is still charging toward the house, primed to take her zombie pill.
Lizzy reaches the house, and Kytan meets her there, talking her down from taking her pill. He explains to you that his broadcasts were intended to draw out of hiding those people with zombie pills awaiting the signal to take them, so that he can help them break their brainwashing. Satisfied, you, Phil and Zoe leave Kytan to his goal.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Ben Mepstead
Six to Start Ensemble
Phil Cheeseman
Felix Trench
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Zoe Crick
Amy Rockson
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team