Easy To Forget

The question of who is responsible for the supply crate's loss becomes more urgent


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Janine parlays with Jones, whose men have you pinned with fire from the cliffs above. They come to an agreement - you'll track the crate down and then deliver it to New Aberystwyth under Jones's supervision.
Jones tells you he saw one of your party attempting to pick the lock on the crate during the failed delivery, confirming his suspicious that Abel is corrupt. Janine refutes his accusation, but the arrival of some zombies interrupt the debate and force you all to flee.
While you use a fallen log to cross the river, Janine narrates her recollection of events. It is clear from her characterisation that Janine does not think highly of Amelia.
Janine's recollection continues. Other than being oblivious to Sam's references, the main difference in her version of events is her explanation that she kicked the supply crate over the edge of the waterfall in order to kill a zombie that was threatening Amelia's life.
You reach the crate, which is intact. Amelia distracts Jones while you disarm him. Janine pledges to bring the crate to New Aberystwyth to prove Abel's innocence. Veronica contacts you with a safe route by which you can exit the forest, and offering her version of the events on the original run.
Veronica's simulation of the events at the waterfall suggests Janine kicking the crate over the edge saved Amelia's life and resulted in no damage to the crate, but did thwart Amelia's plan to steal it. After relaying her simulation, Veronica gives you a safe route to New Aberystwyth.
You deliver the supplies to New Aberystwyth. Veronica suggests to Sam that you introduce her to Colonel Sage properly, and explain to him her origins.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Robert Bradley
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman