Mr Brightside

You're rescued from the flood by Bond-alike Brent Valmont, but in return he ropes you into another mission


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Valmont arrives in a speedboat to rescue you and Jody from your perch above the water, and to request help on a mission: he thinks he's found where some of Sigrid's immune women are, including Sam's sister!
You arrive at Little Venice, where Valmont expects you to be greeted, but the colony is mysteriously deserted. There are zoms on your tail, so you beat a hasty exit, along with the local school's pet chinchilla.
Zoms lost, you find some people living on stationary train carriages. They seem very afraid when they see you, and set off an alarm. Unfortunately this attracts more zoms which you now need to avoid.
You head into the territory of the Edgware Dragons - a Welsh separatist colony - who still believe Sigrid's lies about Abel. There's an old facility of hers here containing the files you need, but first you need to get past the checkpoint, using the chinchilla as a distraction!
With the guards occupied by the chinchilla, you and Jody search through the files inside the facility. Unfortunately you've set off an alarm, so you grab a box of floppy disks, and get out of there before armed guards arrive.
Only Valmont can access the hardware needed to read the floppy disks. He has slightly less altruistic plans for the data than just finding Sam's sister, but right now he's one of very few Abel allies, so you hand them over.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Six to Start Ensemble
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Andrew Futaishi
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team