Thrown A Bone

Can you put the past behind you in order to gain the assistance of a vital ally?


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You, Amelia and Janine run towards a rendezvous with Jones, whose assistance you need to recover the fragment of the Edda buried under Mount Seneca. Fresh from his rehabilitation with Colonel Sage, Jones has promised to help you using the expertise gained in his pre-apocalypse career as a toxic waste disposal specialist.
You meet up with Jones, who overhears your discussion of his mental health. He assures you he is feeling much improved, before informing you he needs your help procuring a specialist chemical neutralising agent from a nearby facility. The whole area in question is off-grid, though - not shown on any maps.
You proceed through the employee village for the company that owned the glass building at which you met Jones. Suspiciously, the company's name translates from Latin as "Business Company". Before you can ruminate on that too much, Ghouls make their presence known and you're forced to hide in a long row of houses.
Jones and Amelia bicker about the efficacy of Colonel Sage's teachings while you flee the Ghouls through the long row of houses, which turn out to be interconnected dorms.
You trap the Ghouls in the dorms, but Jones has slipped and injured himself. As you move on to the glass building inside which you hope to find the vital chemical, the Ghouls escape the dorms and pursue you.
You climb the steps to the glass building, and the ghouls follow, scenting Jones's wound. Jones demands you leave him behind, but you refuse.
You arrive at the glass building and help Janine open the door. Jones insists on guarding the rear to give you time. You open the door and stumble inside, but it slams shut of its own volition, trapping Jones outside. The culprit soon makes herself known - ANNIE.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
EM Williams
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Robert Bradley
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team