
The birth of a new horror is almost more than you can bear. All you can do now is try to survive it...


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
The swarm of baby monsters chases you, but Janine leads you to divert to save Amelia from the clutches of Glass-Five, knowing that she must behave in a way that Veronica would predict.
You arrive in a large warehouse space to see Amelia running along a large gantry above you. Janine tells Amelia to stand still and let "Target Five" pass - it is not chasing her, but fleeing the real Glass Protocol; it is a training device designed to look and act like you. As Target Five jumps into a large fan, you become separated from Janine by some blast doors, with the swarm of baby monsters approaching fast.
ANNIE taunts you with painful memories, as the Glass Protocol hones in on your fear.
You meet up with Janine, who ruminates on ANNIE's taunting, before Amelia also arrives. You realise you are in the Glass Protocol's 'home'. It approached rapidly, with no way out. At the last moment, the doors open. You and Janine run through the right door, while Amelia runs through the left. Veronica comes back online to tell you to run!
Veronica tells you she has trapped the Glass Protocol, so you can stop running. Unfortunately, however, she can't do anything about ANNIE, who immediately triggers the building's self-destruct. You have under five minutes to escape the building.
After escaping the building, Veronica reveals that Amelia's behaviour was at the heart of her plan: as Amelia has grown so much since her time with Valmont, Veronica was able to predict her selflessness where ANNIE was not, allowing Veronica to foresee events ANNIE could not and formulate a plan ANNIE could not counter. Unfortunately, in saving you, Veronica has revealed her true nature to ANNIE, who will now be pursuing her with a vengeance.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
EM Williams
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Nadia al Hannaki
Jennifer Tan
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team