We'll Meet Again

Attending a party shouldn't be a risky proposition, but this is the apocalypse...


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Colonel Sage joins you as you run to join the Exmoor Militia's celebration; both of the Undaunted's homecoming and of their forming a country-wide government.
You meet up with Jules, the head of the Exmoor Militia. The reception she gives to Colonel Sage is frosty. Sam passes on reports of suspicious activity in a nearby building, and you and Colonel Sage head off to investigate.
You and Sage investigate the flat from which the suspicious activity originated. You find a green Comansys container which smells of celery, and blood in the bathtub. Sam puts two and two together: someone was here creating zombie blood pills containing the fungal accelerant, and likely aims to take it in the middle of the crowd at the party. You have to stop them!
As Jules gives her speech, you and Sage attempt to spot the Rider with the pill in the crowd. Despite Sam's skepticism, Sage spots him, and you run to intercept.
You catch up to The Rider and restrain him, but it's useless - champagne corks in his pockets reveal the real vector for the attack. Before you can intervene, he leads the crowd in a toast, and people begin to drink the tainted champagne.
Despite your efforts, people continue to drink the champagne, and begin to turn into V-Types. Jules's son Oscar is in the crowd, and she pleads with you to rescue him.
Having rescued Oscar, you board the Undaunted, which quickly pulls away from the dock with survivors on board. Colonel Sage offers sanctuary to all those affected at Seaside settlement, near Banktown.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Colonel Sage
Matt Ian Kelly
Amy Rockson
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
The Rider
Six to Start Ensemble
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team