Only Have Eyes For You

After the revelations uncovered from your memories of the fungus farm, a reckoning is due...


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
After the unmasking of Sage and Jones as the people behind the zombie pill attacks, you work on your plan to capture them safely, without giving them a chance to take a pill. You decide to fake a zombie alert, forcing Sage to evacuate to a safe room where you can capture him.
Jody joins you, Peter and Janine as you head to capture Sage. Peter worries that your treatment of Sage once he has been captured might not be fair.
You arrive at the tactical station and confront Colonel Sage, who surrenders immediately, noting that he can't ask other people to abide by rules that he won't. Jones overhears the arrest on the radio and accuses Abel of being corrupt. Sage worries he's about to do something that will harm others and offers to help you capture him.
As you pursue Jones, a horde of V-Types begins to approach, likely beckoned by a device Jones possessed which can summon zombies. Janine commands you to place her emergency burn cube in the path of the horde, to prevent one of them biting Peter and creating indestructible zombies.
The horde reaches the burn cube you planted as the peace conference breaks up. One of the V-Types picks up the burn cube, running towards the nearby store which contains the stockpile of burn cubes intended to destroy the fungus farm. The zombie detonates the burn cube, causing a chain reaction which destroys the entire stockpile.
Colonel Sage admits to giving the Last Riders zombie pills in an attempt to get them to destroy themselves. But instead, they used the pills to kill others. Jones resurrected Sage's plan after the destruction of the Last Riders, leading to the disaster at Exmoor. The horde bears down on you.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
Colonel Sage
Matt Ian Kelly
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Robert Bradley
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team