
Tonight's mission is more dangerous than usual, as you try to capture a V-Type for study


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
A message from Veronica - at least you think it's Veronica - leads you to a disused factory, where you, along with Janine, Peter and Maxine, will try to incapacitate a V-Type for study, by freezing it solid.
Because it's so dark you split into teams of two, armed with torches, inside what you now discover, is a factory of mannequins - without their heads. That will make finding this V-Type even more difficult!
Just as you're about to spring your trap four of the mannequins near you and Peter move - they're V-Types! Noisemakers don't work on them, so you escape down a chute.
You're nearly back with Janine and Maxine, but the V-Types have followed you down the chute. There's not enough liquid nitrogen to freeze all of them, but Janine can at least slow them down.
The V-Types are catching you up again, when Sam has a plan: this factory used quick drying plastic for its mannequins, and you can use it to trap the zombies. Janine and Maxine will re-heat the plastic, while you and Peter continue to lure the zombies.
Peter tries to make light of the fact he, and you, are often used as zombie-bait. Janine and Maxine's task is almost complete, so all that remains is to lead the V-Types beneath the vat of molten plastic.
You attempt to hide while Peter - as the person who can survive boiling plastic splashes - draws the V-Types towards the vat. Three are successfully trapped, but one followed you, so Sam directs you to the basement where you can lock it in.
Down in the basement you're shut in with a V-Type, and the door at the end of the corridor is your only option. As you slam the door behind you Sam's signal cuts out... and is replaced with Veronica.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Dr. Maxine Myers
Sally Orrock
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team