The End

A madman with a deadly weapon... and you're the only thing standing in his way.


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Jones has commandeered the Oil Rig, which he's driving out to sea, with the indestructible zombie virus and Veronica's cure for Peter onboard. If you don't stop him from releasing the indestructible zombie virus, the world will be overrun in a matter of weeks.
You head to Sage's quarters to retrieve the indestructible zombie fluid, while Janine heads to the lab for the nanobot solution that will cure Peter. Sam also reveals that Jones might well be in possession of the missing pages of the Edda, as Ellie believes he has already recovered it from the dig site.
On your way to Sage's quarters, you're waylaid by Jones, who has outfitted himself with an undersea engineering exosuit. He chases you through the oil rig.
As you flee Jones through a building storm, Janine locates a recording that Sage left behind in the lab detailing how the nanobot solution works. As you listen, Jones sneaks up on you, threating to force feed you the indestructible zombie fluid. Peter alerts you to the controls of a nearby crane which you use to drop heavy pipes on Jones, pinning him in place.
You recover the indestructible zombie fluid from Sage's office. Sam informs you and Peter that Amelia has taken over as the head of the UK Alliance. Veronica's plan to neutralise the P-Type fluid requires only that you mix some of the nanobot fluid with the P-Type fluid, meaning you need to meet up with Janine quickly.
You meet up with Janine, who injects the P-Type fluid with Nanobot solution, destroying it. Suddenly, Jones reappers, grabbing Janine and injecting her with the Nanobots. She immediately begins to have a fit while Jones flees. You flee to a lifeboat with her.
As you leave the rig in the lifeboat, Sam outlines the direness of your situation. If you can't recover the nanobot control box from Jones, Janine will die in thirty days. Without the Edda fragment that Jones stole, and having run out of burn cubes, you have no weapon that will stop the V-Types. If you can't catch Jones, Janine will die, and then so will everyone else.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Colonel Sage
Matt Ian Kelly
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Robert Bradley
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team