Deep Web

Trapped inside a dark ex-Ministry lab, only Veronica can help you escape


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Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Despite your dark - and spider filled - situation, Veronica reassures you she'll try to keep you safe. The only way out is through an old Ministry lab complex however, and your torch is fast running out of power.
As you make your way through the corridors, Veronica explains what her new non-corporeal existence feels like. Your torch is beginning to flicker so you'd better speed up.
Inside the primary lab you learn that Sigrid designed these spiders as a horrifying Junin-2 transmission vector. Their sensitivity to light is keeping them away, but as soon as your torch runs out of power they'll attack you.
Veronica's been fighting ANNIE, trying to predict the Last Riders, and help you but her mental cohesion starts to break down when she tries to do too many things at once, so you're on your own for a short while.
Predicting the behaviour of zombies is more difficult than Veronica thought it would be. There's no time to theorise, because your torch dies just as spider covered zombies find you. Luckily there's an exit hatch nearby - you don't need to see, just run!
Sam's voice in the dark brings Veronica comfort, she hopes the same is true for you. She's gained access to the emergency lights, and causes surges in power that set the spiders on fire. It's only effective for a few seconds however, and you still have a ladder to climb.
You make it back outside into the light, where the spiders won't follow, but you lock them inside anyway. Veronica asks you not to tell anyone at Abel about her mental crashes, and let them know she's still herself.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team