Good Morning Judge

You're assigned to protect Horace Bailey, at his trial for crimes committed while working for The Ministry


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Now some sort of democracy has returned to the country, you, Lobatse and Tom serve as security at the trial of Horace Bailey - one of Sigrid's clerks. You remove Bailey for his own safety, seeing as the crowd don't want to wait for a verdict.
Hiding from the mob amongst some trees gives a bit of time for Bailey and Lobatse to argue their respective positions. Tom suggests moving to walkways in the tree canopy after you're spotted.
You're safe enough for now - despite the unstable walkways - that is until you run into a zombie. It's more important than usual that you lose the zoms, because Lobatse hasn't brought any cure with her.
Bailey lags behind a little, giving Lobatse and Tom a chance to snipe at each other over their opposing sides in the trial. They're interrupted by the mob launching burning tar to burn the bridges you're on!
With the bridges on fire your only hope is to break your fall with the trees. Bailey breaks down at this prospect - he can't understand why he's the one on trial - but still manages to make it to the ground safely.
Avoiding the flaming bridges behind some boulders works, and separates you from the mob who are now busy fighting the fire. Lobatse softens towards a contrite Bailey, and you return him to the courthouse.
The judge finally delivers her verdict, determining Bailey be spared the death penalty, and instead spend his life repairing the damage he caused. Lobatse and Tom come to a better understanding of each other.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Asha Cluer
Six to Start Ensemble
Dr. Kefilwe Lobatse
Madeleine Brolly
Tom de Luca
Alex Harland
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman