Back to the Old House

If you want to free your friends, you'll need to find a sample for ANNIE. But getting one takes you into the heart of enemy territory: Abel Township.


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Paula is wary about working with Ernie to break into Abel to steal the slime mould. And the last route into the UK is now shut off thanks to Valmont. Ernie has made it to you, but he had to do a lot of hiding so he's a bit grubby.
You'll need to use Peter's old 'Phantom of Abel' tunnel to get in without being noticed. You narrowly dodge a patrol and get into the tunnel.
You emerge by the dorms and begin to make your way towards the farmhouse. Paula comments on the changes to Abel, like the automated turrets. Ernie thinks he can get you through the security systems though.
Ernie manages to lock the turrets in place briefly, but you need to be quick. You enter the farmhouse where they seem to be installing an ANNIE terminal. You grab some plans that have been left out, but have to run for the tunnels away from Slava.
You need to stall Slava while you search. Ernie could start a fire but it will burn through the tunnel oxygen quickly. However it is your best option. Ernie directs you to short circuit the wires which will start a fire in about ninety seconds. Get moving!
The plan seems to be working. Ernie says that since he caught sight of Abel he's spontaneously developed several plans to cause problems here and he wishes Van Ark would shut up. Paula explains the Jewish concepts of yetzer harah, the drive to protect oneself, and yetzer tov, the will of the divine, or prosocial behaviour. Yetzer tov can channel yetzer harah into safety for everyone. Taking down Valmont seems worth setting a few fires. You find the vial of slime mould and head for the exit. Might want to move quickly to avoid the viking zoms that are still down there.
You're into Sigrid's tunnels but the viking zombie is nearby. You activate one of Janine's failsafes to collapse the tunnel behind you. You're outside Abel and you have the sample. Next stop: ANNIE.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Ernie Van Ark
Philip Jennings
Maria Louis
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Parker D Hicks