Crime in the City

After what happened at the mansion, the only way is up. Literally!


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You've tracked the man from the mansion to the city of La Paz, which seems to be doing a lot better than London. You see him grab something from the Jeep and and give chase.
Ernie is struggling with altitude sickness, and you're helped by a police officer called Isabelle. She knows you're chasing someone and offers to help you while Sam takes care of Ernie.
Isabelle says that there's been a string of attacks up and down the Amazon, including a massacre at a monastery, and it might be the man you're following. You try to explain the situation with Valmont. You spot your quarry by a gate, behind which are a lot of zombies. It used to be San Pedro prison and is where the first victims of the plague were bitten. The man cuts the chains holding the gate shut. Run!
You've made it to the general cemetery where people celebrate Dia de las Natitas in November. Isabelle is making notes about your explanations of events – they've had cameras tracking you since you landed. But she saw the street the thief took and knows a shortcut. You'll have to be fast and avoid the dead.
You think you've caught your man, but he's heading up towards the busiest parts of the city. You can't lead the zombies up there! Jody suggests leading them towards a checkpoint, but it's risky.
You reach the checkpoint where the zombies are gunned down by soldiers. Isabelle says her superiors wanted you arrested, but she believes at least some of your story. She wants you to accompany her to follow the thief. He's taking the North Yungas route, otherwise known as Death Road.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Ernie Van Ark
Philip Jennings
Nia Roe
Elliott Gresswell
Eleanor Rushton
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Sound Designer
Matt Part