A Ritual Mask

On the origins of the "magic mask" and its role in mythology of cultural breakdown throughout history: a rebuttal.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Ranger Five is in London with Jamie, on the trail of the academics who studied the mask. This part of London is still packed with zoms so the Roller Guard are keeping a secure perimeter around the museum.
Someone has piled up books and papers between the display cabinets, so you head upstairs. Some rooms have light, and you see shadows moving through the glass doors, although you don't hear any zoms. You find the office of one of the academics, Jacinda Byron. She says the mask belonged to a Byzantine Emperor but you'll need to fetch some notes from the East Wing.
You reach the Byzantium section and are attacked by a zombie, which you take out. You're interrupted by Nicholas Byron who complains about you killing one of his postgrads. He tells you that the mask went missing from the Madrid Museum of Cultural Anthropology in the 80s, and rumours say that the CIA took it. The Byzantines acquired the mask from the Vikings, but you'll need to head to the Norse exhibits.
Jacinda speaks to you over the tannoy and she and Nicholas start to argue despite the zombies pursuing you. They tell you that the mask belonged to the wizard Loki, but the Vikings took it from the Visigoths, who took it from the Romans who took it from Carthage, and that section of the museum is in the basement gallery – you'll have to dodge a lot of zombies to get there.
The gallery is nearly empty, and the bickering between the scientists is not helping. Maybe you can make them see sense.
You break some of the stairs and send zombies falling to the ground floor. You confront the scientists and Jamie issues a royal proclamation to get them to co-operate. They tell you that there were rumours of a priestly caste in Carthage who had a shrine in the Saharan desert – perhaps in the vicinity of Red Scorpion Base – where they would commune with their god and receive gifts. But the gifts were always poisoned.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Jamie Skeet
Chris Rochester
Jacinda Byron
Sue Elliott Nicholls
Nicholas Byron
Phil Gerrard
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Parker D Hicks
Eleanor Rushton
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Sound Designer
Matt Part