You Can't Outrun 'em

Now that you know what you're up against, time is of the essence. But it seems like someone else has the same idea.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You're on Mateo's trail, following the map you found. Sam tries to reassure Felix that finding Mateo is the best way to save him. You speculate about what Mateo is searching for that has led him here – gold? Science? An army of V-types to fight the Backpack Mafia? Jody thinks you need to move before you lose the light, even if it means you don't have Isabel and her backup.
The wetlands you're crossing are... well, wet and boggy, which slows you down, and there are a lot of zombies in the area. You spot a tent with a fire that is still smouldering, and as you approach, you break a tripwire which sets off a lot of fireworks. That will bring out every zombie for miles!
You're chased by Mateo who is on horseback and followed by a trail of zombies. You drop into a ditch to get some cover and hear a transmission from Jody telling you to make for the boat.
Mateo tries to persuade you that he's in the right – he needs to set whatever is trapped free. Sam thinks he sounds like Shona from the Hebrides had. You're attacked by a bloated zombie in the water, but saved by the intervention of an anaconda. You don't want to be its next snack so keep moving.
You meet back up with Jody and Felix, who say that Mateo is rounding up the zoms to flush you out. Felix is certain that he can persuade Mateo to listen. If you lure him into the marshy area, he'll have to get off the horse. Get running, Five!
The horse panics and throws Mateo off before it bolts. You try to surround Mateo, but you hear a gunshot and Jody is down! Felix confronts Mateo who begins to run, and Felix chases him while you grab Jody – thankfully the bullet only grazed her arm. She's woozy, but determined.
Felix meets you and is shocked that Mateo saw him and didn't stop. Something moves in the grass, and Mateo grabs Jody and holds a gun to her back. Jody tells you to stand down while Felix pleads with his brother to stop. You drop your headset too. Mateo says he's going to lock you in his boat, but there are things he needs to show Felix.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Avi Roque
Robb Moreira
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Alister MacQuarrie
Eleanor Rushton
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Sound Designer
Matt Part