Some Kind of Nature

Something is stirring in the Red Zone. Something ancient, awful, and hungry.


Collectible summaries may contain spoilers


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Jody tries to argue with Mateo to make him understand the danger, but he doesn't listen, and Felix seems to be listening to him! Once Felix is untied, he knocks out Mateo and frees you. He says that his sister never begged for help. Mateo sets off a noisemaker and runs off with the mask. You catch sight of him heading towards the Red Zone.
Felix compares the Red Fungus to a pitcher plant, mimicking his sister's voice to lure Mateo in. As you approach Mateo's compound, you see rustling in the trees – he must have released the zombies! You need to save your friends!
Sam and Isabel manage to contact you. They're trapped in the compound, but you still need to stop Mateo. Jody tells you to go after Mateo while she and Felix handle things here. Head south towards the cliffs.
Sam and Ernie update you on the situation. Ernie agrees with the pitcher plant theory and thinks there must be trace amounts of spores in the air around the Red Zone, enough to affect people's minds. He thinks it opens mental backdoors and makes people believe they'll find what they desire. You need to stop Mateo before he goes in. You hear strange noises from the trees around you. Keep running!
You spot Mateo in the distance and pursue him. As you move, you discover the source of the strange noises – laughing zombies. Not V-types, but Sam theorises the fungus messed with their minds too. They're blocking your path and things aren't looking good at the compound. Faster, Five!
You feel an earth tremor and the zoms are catching up. Mateo is right below you, heading towards the waterfall. You jump down onto him but he has a plan. He still has the remote for the noisemakers and he throws it into the water. You can save your friends, or take the mask. You chase after the remote but the zoms are still after you.
Sam says the zoms are at the barricade, and the lead one is grinning like the fungus effect is spreading. You catch the remote and manage to turn off the noisemakers except for one in the cells, which lures the zombies away. You're contacted by a voice in your mind who calls himself Alexander and tells you that there's something stirring near you, like a zombie god. He senses Moonchild in your mind – she knew of another entrance. Run!
Alexander says the glitter in the rock is what keeps the Red Fungus spirit trapped unless it has a host. You need to drink the water, but it won't protect you for long. You crawl through a tunnel towards the Red Zone. Alexander says he can't stay, but there's someone sleeping in your mind who might be able to help.
In your head, Moonchild stirs. You've brought her to somewhere she never wanted to return to, and now your trapped with her... and it.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Robb Moreira
Sandra Espinoza
Avi Roque
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Ernie Van Ark
Philip Jennings
Edward Selvery IV
Francesca Varrie Michel
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Elliott Gresswell
Eleanor Rushton
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Sound Designer
Matt Part