Base Builder Tips

Shore up your Defences!

July 27, 2023

During missions, you'll collect supplies and materials which you can use to build Abel Township into a thriving community! You start out with just a farmhouse, armoury, and defence tower, and from there you can expand your base, add new buildings, and upgrade old ones...

Buildings and Upgrades

Tap the + sign on the Base screen to view all of the buildings that you can add to your base, what effect they have on your base, and how many supplies and materials they cost. When you've decided what to build, tap on it, and you'll be able to place it inside the township walls, as long as you have space. More buildings will become available as you progress through the story.

Buildings can also be upgraded to improve the quality of life at Abel. Tap a building in your base to see if it's upgradable and what the cost is.

Some buildings also have add-ons, such as solar panels, bike racks, and flower boxes, to make post-apocalypse living safer and more bearable!

Expand Your Base

A growing township needs plenty of space to house it's people. If you're running out of room for new buildings, expand by tapping one of the large green arrows. This will cost some supplies and materials.

Morale, Defence and Population

At the top of the Base screen you'll see two icons: a face which represents the morale of your town, and a shield which represents its defence rating. You'll also see a number like 25/45. The first is the number of people in your township, and the second is the number it can support.

All of these scores can be increased by adding new buildings and upgrading the ones you already have. Things like playgrounds and parks will make your population happier and increase morale. Upgrading the Armoury and adding buildings such as the Training Area, will improve your town's defence and keep your township safer.

Build and upgrade housing to increase the number of people living in your township, but make sure to build farms and a hospital to support them all and avoid overpopulation.

Reset Your Base

Don't like the way you've set your base out? You can reset it and have your supplies and materials restored to you.

Log into your account on the ZombieLink website, click on your username and go to Account. Here, you can reset your base with just a click of a button, and you'll be able to rebuild Abel Township from scratch.