Tips for Running

Get moving with Zombies, Run!

July 27, 2023

We designed Zombies, Run! to work for every kind of runner! Whether you run indoors on a treadmill, have a distance goal for your track run, or want to take an easy walk for a recovery day, we'll help you keep track of your movement.

And with GPS tracking and step counter, as well as duration settings and notifications for different distances, it's easy to customise missions so they suit whatever you're doing.

However you want to move, from running to cycling torowing machines, Zombies, Run! will work for you!

Zombies, Run! works just as well indoors as outdoors!

On the mission screen, tap Tracking and select GPS if you're running outdoors, and we'll keep track of your pace and your route. If you're on a treadmill, then switch to Step Counter, put your phone in a pocket or armband, and we'll use the phone's accelerometer to track your run.

Using other exercise equipment? Choose Simulate Running to set a pace. Once you've finished, you can even edit your run logs to change the time and distance by going to More > Run Logs and tapping on Edit on iOS, or the pencil icon on Android.

Run multiple missions in a row

If you're going for a long run, tap Set Duration on the mission screen and select Back to Back Missions. Make sure the missions you want to listen to are downloaded, and we'll play your missions one after the other!

Set your target!

Got a race coming up? Or just have a set amount of time you want to be out for? Tap Set Duration and you can choose whether you want a mission to progress by time or by distance, and how long it should last!

Half-way Notifications

If you're running on a track or you want to know when to start heading home, you can set the app to give you a notification at the halfway point of your mission.

Tap More > Settings > Audio Notifications, and enable Halfway Through and you'll always know when you're on the home stretch!

And remember...

No matter your speed, activity, or fitness level, you're always the hero of Abel Township! Move in whatever way is comfortable to you, and you'll be able to enjoy the story, and become Runner 5...