Castle’s Burning

The desperate battle at Fort Blackmoore rages on


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The zombie which attacked you looks strange, with yellow eyes and bulging veins. The ANNIE download finally reaches 100%, so you grab the USB stick and hurry to tell Janine what you've seen.
While scoping the situation, you see V-Types digging up graves in the castle grounds, creating more of those ghoulish zoms. Maxine theorises V-Types can sense corpses, so you turn back to warn the medical centre.
Inside the medical centre you run into Mayor Fallow, with a broken hand, evacuating patients. Suddenly one of the ghoulish zombies breaks in, somehow sensing the Mayor's injury and heading straight for him, but it's killed with a syringe needle to the eye.
When you find Janine she already knows about the 'ghouls', and their specific behaviours. Everyone's been evacuated, so you should leave now too, but you can't let the V-Types or ghouls spread. Janine will cover you, while you throw something called a "Burn Cube" at the remaining zombies.
Janine tells you this "Burn Cube" you're holding is a thermal cascade device, internationally outlawed for its unpredictability, but it will completely vaporise the V-Types. You throw it, and hope you can escape the blast radius.
You run into Maxine and the Mayor while sprinting for the gate - they got cornered by ghouls. You all duck and cover as the Burn Cube detonates, taking the zombies and half the castle with it, before making a run for the gate.
Once you're far enough away, you slow down. Burn Cubes leave a toxic residue, so nothing from the castle will have survived. Mayor Fallow thanks you for saving all the kids, but Janine reminds him you can't keep winning at any cost.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Dr. Maxine Myers
Sally Orrock
Mayor Fallow
Ralph Stickley
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman