Talk Talk

A bomb counting down, a V-Type zom and Last Riders behind you - you and Jody will have to use all your wits to escape


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Steve arrives on comms to tell you the bomb has no off switch and can be remotely detonated. Fortunately the detonator has a 20 yard range, you just need to keep the bomb away from the rider carrying the detonator, simple!
You've lost the Last Riders for now, but the V-Type zombie is still following you. Jody lets the zom get your scent so you can lead it away from the peace conference, where Janine is struggling with diplomacy.
As you run Jody, Steve and Sam discuss potential ways to kill V-Types - using the bomb isn't a good option. Suddenly you're spotted by a rider, and the big rig starts turning to chase you!
The riders run straight into the V-Type chasing you, not realising they're outmatched. It's now imperative you get the bomb as far away as possible, since the detonator has a dead man's switch, and if the biker holding it turns...
Everyone's trying to work out where this V-Type could have come from, when one of the riders turns. You're near London's Neutral Zone, but can't risk any V-Types finding the horde of zoms trapped there, so for now you and Jody keep running with the bomb.
You near the second Thames Barrier, and Jody has an idea: if you blow it up you'll wash the V-Types away from the Neutral Zone. Steve advises you on bomb placement, and a place to stand where you won't also be swept away.
The bomb goes off, and a huge wave of water washes all your pursuers downstream. Steve and Jody are despondent about the future, but Sam reminds them of all they've survived so far: together you'll figure out a way to defeat the V-Types.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Colonel Sage
Matt Ian Kelly
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Northern Representative
Six to Start Ensemble
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Steve "The Builder" Sissay
Adam Lannon
Six to Start Ensemble
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team