Midnight City

Seeking escape from the V-Type horde, you agree to Colonel Sage's last-ditch plan


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
As you meet up with Peter and Janine to combat the zombified Last Rider horde, Colonel Sage offers you a way to maximise the effect of the few Burn Cubes you have left.
Sage directs you into a Necropolis - a massive graveyard, where his people bury and mourn their dead. He draws your attention to a train which runs through it, and explains his plan to use the train's vibrations to trigger Burn Cubes which will eliminate the entire V-Type horde at once.
As you prepare to enact Colonel Sage's plan, Sam notices a man sat by one of the graves. Sage recognises him as Dennis, one of his colonists, and you divert to evacuate him.
You find Dennis, who is refusing to leave the catacombs as he wants to be at his husband's grave. Sage and Peter stay to convince him to leave while you and Janine head off to lay the remaining Burn Cubes in position for Sage's plan.
Sage attempts to convince Dennis to leave his husband's grave. In doing so, he raises some issues which cause Peter to reflect on his own situation, bringing Peter into conflict with Janine as he wonders if his life is worth saving. Meanwhile, V-Types have entered the catacomb tunnels and begun to reanimate corpses.
While you and Janine attempt to get the train moving, Sage attempts to convince Peter that his life is worth living. Janine is distraught at the idea of losing Peter, requiring Dennis to help her decipher the controls in the signalman's hut in order to get the train moving.
You have a near-miss with a Ghoul with a Burn Cube caught in its robes. Peter decides he wants to live, and you all flee before the Burn Cubes you planted trigger.
You reconnect with Peter after escaping the catacombs, and he reflects on his immortality. You celebrate defeating the V-Type horde.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Colonel Sage
Matt Ian Kelly
Six to Start Ensemble
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team