Life In A Glasshouse

You're in the lair of an apex predator... can you survive?


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Scene summaries may contain spoilers
As the doors to the glass building slam shut, ANNIE begins to taunt you. Veronica interrupts her to warn you: you've walked into a trap. This is the birthplace of the Glass Protocol, and you'll need to defeat it in order to survive.
You, Amelia and Janine are trapped, with the Glass Protocol hunting you. Veronica's only advice before she's forced to leave you: 'Be Yourselves'. Just as you think things can't get any worse, the lights go out.
Fleeing through the dark, you open a door, guided by Veronica tapping on pipes to draw your attention. She has led you to some night-vision goggles. Amelia is able to recognise the layout of the facility and begins guiding you, before the Glass Protocol begins to interfere with your goggles.
Amelia leads you to a large bank of computers, so she can access the Glass Protocol's controls. She discovers the Glass Protocol has the capability to target Valmont, before ANNIE intervenes, setting all the computers on fire and forcing you to flee.
Fleeing the fire, you come across an unsettling scene: a heap of bodies, all moving, each bearing an uncanny resemblence to a high-profile technologist. One of the bodies that looks just like you separates itself from the mound, looming over you - it's twice your size, and ANNIE commands it to restrain Amelia.
As Amelia continues to flee Glass-Five, you and Janine enter a room full of incubators. Janine has a realisation about Veronica's plan, which must have relied on everyone acting predictably - i.e like themselves. Amelia refusing ANNIE's offer of a safe exit must have thrown Veronica's planning off. Before Janine can finish her thought, the incubators begin to crack, hatching a swarm of horrible monsters which attack you.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
EM Williams
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Veronica McShell
Aislynn De'Ath
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team