
The search for a new weapon against the V-Types leads to some unexpected places...


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Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Sam directs you to Pittaway Farm, a fungus farm owned by Comansys, which you'll be searching for powerful fungicide to use as a weapon against the V-Types, which Veronica believes may be the result of a fungal infection. As you enter the building, Moonchild begins to speak to you - she warns you that the overhead lights in the facility are about to wipe part of your memory. She tells you she'll remember what happens to you so that you can recover your memories later, before approaching V-Types force you to flee.
Sam is surprised when you appear in a location faster than he expected you to, and holding a NERF gun. Moonchild assures you it'll make sense once you can access your memories again. The facility you're running through is covered in overgrown fungus. Sam directs you upstairs to search for fungicide.
As you continue to search the labs, Moonchild spots some fluid on the floor below you that she promises you'll want to see. Sam directs you to head further up the building, and is alarmed when you instead enter a pitch-black room via an observation room full of zombies who appear to be tripping. He runs for Janine as you head deeper into the facility.
You emerge from the dark room covered in what appears to be glitter. Janine considers aborting the mission, but decides to press on, given how far you have already come. Moonchild is scared by what she has seen in the facility - things you aren't yet able to remember. You head deeper into the facility, in search of both fungicide and the memory-retrieval device.
In the lower level, you find a puddle of the celery-smelling fluid Moonchild wanted to show you. A zombie wanders into the puddle, and a red fungus suddenly bursts out of its chest, growing alarmingly quickly. It tips the canister of celery-smelling fluid over, causing the white fungus which covers the facility to begin to grow rapidly. You flee.
As the fungus blocks your exit route, Moonchild focusses your mind on Janine's instructions. She guides you to a canister of fungicide, which you use to create a path through the white fungus.
You find a tunnel through the fungus and flee through it, leaving behind the V-Type which was pursuing you. Moonchild impresses upon you the urgency of getting back into that facility at some point so that you can recover your lost memories. You bring the empty canister of fungicide with you for Veronica to analyse in the hopes of finding a useful weapon against the V-Types.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Natasha Staples
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team