Come Together

With the horde bearing down and options limited, it's you against the world...


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
The horde bears down on Seaside Settlement, and you have no weapons. Janine recognises the zombies' intelligence - they're marching in formation. She sees an opportunity: if they behave like an army, she knows how to defeat them. Looking for a threat with which to distract them, Amelia offers the flesh-eating pigs. You run to release them.
You release the pigs, and the V-Type horde pursues them. Peter uses the opportunity to lead evacuees from Seaside Base towards safety. As they flee, a portion of the horde breaks away to chase them.
Janine reveals her plan - use the large propeller array to interfere with the V-Types ability to sense the world around them, as Veronica demonstrated at the Aquacentre with the fans. The horde halts as planned, while Peter reports that he's evacuating survivors over a rope bridge. As he does so, a V-Type pursuing him bursts with fungus, which captures Peter in its tendrils.
You free Peter, though the fungus twists his little finger off. The V-Types standing between you and the bridge don't attack, instead each zom bites Peter's finger to become invulnerable. It doesn't work, but Peter realises the zoms aren't chasing the evacuees, but him. Sage confirms that, and plans to use Peter as bait to dispose of the horde. You head to retrieve fungicide.
You put Sage's plan into action, recovering some fungicide and taking it to a sprinkler system which runs along the shoreline. Sage heads to give Peter Janine's final burn cube, which he'll plant in a secluded cave before retreating through some tunnels to safety.
You pour the fungicide into the sprinklers as Sage meets Peter. Instead of giving him the burn cube, however, he takes it himself, along with some cloth soaked in Peter's blood. Sage will sacrifice himself in order to save Peter and destroy the horde.
Sage detonates the burn cube as the horde enters the cave to pursue him. With the horde destroyed, you retreat to the oil rig, which begins moving as Jones drives it out to sea. Peter is left stranded on the beach. Jones broadcasts over the tannoy to tell you he has a sample of the indestructible zombie, with which he plans to infect everyone on the oil rig.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
Colonel Sage
Matt Ian Kelly
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Robert Bradley
Peter Lynne
Will Green
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team