Sleep When I'm Dead

On the way home from delivering the cure to settlements, you take a detour to help a woman who's been bitten


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
As you, Maxine and Paula return from zombie cure delivery duty, Sam tells you about a woman called Darlene, who was bitten while escaping the Last Riders. She's waiting for you in some woods to the north.
Darlene tries to make light of the situation, but after administering the cure Paula and Maxine insist she come with you to a facility where she can recuperate. There are zombies to evade first though.
Halfway to the centre, Darlene tells you more about her time as a prisoner of the Last Riders. She starts to cough, and Sam reminds you that the cure doesn't work on everyone.
Maxine suggests Darlene tell you more about her escape to keep her mind off things, and you learn she was infected by a headless zombie. You need to get her to a secure quarantine room as soon as possible.
You arrive at the recuperation centre to find it's not secure, and the nurse on duty refuses to believe V-Types exist. She takes Darlene into a side-room, but your new friend turns, taking the nurse with her. If you don't evacuate the hospital quickly, you'll end up with 50 unkillable zoms instead of 2!
Almost all the patients have been evacuated, but Paula can't just leave vital medical supplies to the V-Types, so she heads back in to retrieve them, despite Maxine's protests.
You and Paula struggle to push the case of antibiotics out of the centre. Maxine buys you just enough time to escape and shut the zombies in. Paula's sad Darlene and nurse Turner couldn't be saved - now you know for certain the cure doesn't work on V-Types.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Nesba Crenshaw
Dr. Maxine Myers
Sally Orrock
Nurse Turner
Six to Start Ensemble
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team