Smoke and Mirrors

A rendezvous with two asylum seekers from the Edgware Dragons doesn't quite go to plan...


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
Today you're out with Amelia and Janine, meeting two ex-members of the Edgware Dragons. Unfortunately they both fell for Ian Golightly's Ministry propaganda, and refuse to believe you're with the real Janine. They hold you at gunpoint and demand to be taken to Abel.
Your captors, Evans and Jones, recount some of the more... outlandish details of Ian's broadcasts. Amelia successfully convinces them that Janine is in fact Jody. Sam suggests you keep them away from Abel, due to a huge zombie horde.
Janine does her best Jody impression, and somehow your kidnappers are fooled. They do realise that you're not leading them to Abel however, which upsets Jones, so you abandon that plan despite the zoms.
Sam's new plan involves giving the people what they want - Jody, dressed up as Janine. While she gets ready, Janine tries to extract information from Jones.
Amelia tricks Evans into giving her the gun, upsetting Jones enough that he reveals he planted a zombie attracting device in Abel. Amelia marches him and Evans back to Abel at gunpoint to retrieve this attractor.
Jody makes her way to you through the zoms, dressed as Janine. Evans believes 'Janine' always keeps promises, so reveals the location of the zombie attractor when Jody promises to tell them whatever they want.
You smash the attractor, and finally discover that Jones and Evans believe Abel captured Jones' wife, Milly. Jones was willing to divulge the location of an ANNIE core in exchange for Abel's 'secret files' on Milly, but as this was just more misinformation from Sigrid, and you can't 'tell the truth', he won't tell you now.


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
Beth Eyre
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Robert Bradley
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman
Zombies, Run! Writing Team