These Walls We Built

With the tone device in hand, you make it to Abel. But there are Green Types on the way, and the inhabitants seem less than friendly...


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Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You're approaching Abel, Ranger Five, and meet up with Janine. Amelia's troops have had to retreat from the Green Type splinters. You need to get into Abel to use the transmitter, and its unlikely they got ANNIE's cure. Amelia demands one favour... stop the horde before it destroys Abel. Don't leave her alone with Valmont.
You reach the gates and are confronted by Jody and soldiers – they've been told to kill you, then lay down their lives. Green Types burst from the ground, and Jody manages to overcome Valmont's brainwashing. She lets you in, but more Green Types are coming. She tells you to get to the new town hall – it has concrete foundations so should hold them off a bit longer.
The Green Types have broken into Abel. Jody has ordered everyone to high ground but the last batch of cure is only just kicking in and they're still shaky. Janine sends you to the arcade with the neon sign, while Jody and Janine head towards the farmhouse.
The Green Type slime is climbing up the buildings. You reach the arcade and get inside to turn all of the machines on – hopefully the noise will draw the Green Types over. You throw one through the wall, and head towards the generators.
You pull over the petrol generators to slow down the Green Types while Jody lights an arrow. Janine reassures her about what happened, and expresses her faith in Jody's abilities. Jody shoots and sets the petrol alight. The generators begin to explode, catching the Green Types in the blast. Run!
You've got a clear path to the comm shack, but you're chased by a Green Type... even when it's torn to pieces. There's another wave coming. Move!
Abel is being torn apart! The Green Types bury you, and the slime is climbing up the roof of the building Janine and Jody are on. There's an explosion, and you are reinforced by Mo and the Rangers freed from Tabarca! With a squadron from Maghreb guarding the rear, sent by Maryam. You free yourself from the Green Types and enter the comm shack, plug in the tone box, and set everything to maximum. You activate it, but the comm tower is sparking. Get out of there!
The green Types are melting in response to the signal, and your Rangers are all alive, though Abel may need some rebuilding. Valmont breaks into your comms to taunt Janine, and then Zoe arrives. Amelia is gone, and Valmont took her. Only Sam and Runner Five are in the area. Please save her!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Harriet Madeley
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Yannick Budd
Zoe Crick
Amy Rockson
Elliott Gresswell
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman