Only Lovers Left Alive

You've survived evil scientists, power-hungry billionaires, and, of course, zombies, but now its time for your most important mission yet... You'd better get to the church on time.


Scene summaries may contain spoilers
You've arrived at New Canton for your most important mission yet – Amelia and Zoe's wedding. Sam reminisces about times past and what he would do if he could go back in time, what he would tell his past self. But you need to hurry and deliver the bouquets to the bridesmaids.
Jody and Janine are being bridesmaids, much to Jody's distress. She says that she'll have to deal with Amelia more now, because Janine is stepping away a bit and leaving Jody in command. You need to meet Janine in fifteen minutes to hand over the bouquet, but first Zoe's corsage.
Zoe looks fantastic in her suit. Slava bursts in to bring Zoe a wedding gift – locations of all of Valmont's bases across the world. Tell Amelia that her rates are very reasonable. Next up, delivering a copy of the vows to Jamie who is officiating the wedding.
You find Jamie in the chapel along with Mo, who is staying in the UK as the Maghreb ambassador – his family will be joining him here to strengthen bonds between the nations.
You enter the rec room just in time to hear Jody proclaim Janine and Peter married! Janine had decided that Amelia's wedding would be the perfect cover to avoid fuss around it, and she wants you to sign the register. But you'd better hurry so Amelia's event isn't delayed.
You arrive at the church and Paula and Maxine need to go and get settled while you make sure that Phil has the rings. Paula is considering gluing herself and Maxine together, in lieu of a wedding. Besides, it's good that Amelia gets to give Valmont one final middle finger.
Phil and Zoe are waiting for you, although Zoe is having a bit of a panic. Is she making a mistake? You reassure her, because Amelia does make her happy. After all, she's the closest thing to a cat in human form.
Amelia is glad you arrived... finally. She even allows Sam a brief hug. She does have one more thing before the ceremony. A message arrived from two people called Alexander and Vivek talking about trees and seeds, and that they're looking for someone called 'Moonchild'. You can deal with that later.. Now it's really time for the wedding. Everyone is gathered. Let's get this show on the road!


Cast listings may contain spoilers
Sam Yao
Philip Nightingale
Jody Marsh (Runner 4)
Jennifer Tan
Jamie Skeet
Chris Rochester
Yannick Budd
Janine de Luca
Eleanor Rushton
Paula Cohen
Victoria Grove
Dr. Maxine Myers
Sally Orrock
Zoe Crick
Amy Rockson
Maria Louis
Phil Cheeseman
Felix Trench
Harriet Madeley
Rebecca Levene
Matt Wieteska
Sound Designer
Mark Pittam
Series Created By
Naomi Alderman